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More Meaningful Mornings

You’ll usually find that when you start the day off doing things you enjoy, you’ll have a much happier, more productive day. Doing things you love before you have to get on with the boring stuff, such as work, will give you a more positive outlook. The positive effects tend to snowball until you end up having one big, brilliant day! Instead of letting the mornings rule you, make sure you rule your mornings. If you get up late, skip breakfast and have to rush out of the door, it sets the tone for the day. The key is to make really small goals that you can expand on if you wish. By committing only to a few minutes of a task each day, you won’t feel pressured. You’ll usually end up doing more than you’ve required yourself to do, which will make you feel amazing! Here are some suggestions you can use to help you.

Write Down 3 Things You’re Grateful For

write down

Keeping a gratitude journal has mental benefits. It can change the way you see the world around you, and give you some positive things to think about at the start of the day. Can’t think of anything? You can start by being grateful that you woke up that day, when so many others didn’t! Write just 3 genuine things down, or more if they come to you. Do this each day and you might just notice more things to be grateful for coming into your life.

Freewrite for 5 Minutes

Freewriting is an activity that helps people in all professions, whether you’re a writer or not! It helps you to get all of the messy thoughts out of your head, and can give you a clear mindset for the day. Many people call them their ‘morning pages’, as it’s best to do them just after waking in the morning. Just let your pen flow free and don’t think too much about what you’re writing.

Meditate for 5 Minutes

Meditation is an amazing tool for greater focus, clarity, happiness, and well being. If you spend just 5 minutes clearing your head in the morning to prepare yourself for the day, you might find yourself more productive. You’ll be ready to tackle anything that life throws at you! You can even do guided meditations that can help you to get in the right frame of mind if you need them.

Do One Pullup/Pushup/Squat Etc

Exercise in the morning will give you a surge of endorphins, making you feel unstoppable for the rest of the day. Exercising in the morning can seem unappealing, but you only have to commit to doing one exercise. You’ll still wake yourself up, and chances are you’ll want to do a little more. Eventually, you might be doing full pull ups and push ups when you couldn’t do them before. Your workout is finished for the rest of the day then too, so you can focus on relaxing and having fun with friends!

Drink 1 Glass of Water


Drinking plenty of water is key to staying hydrated, but most people fill their bodies with caffeinated drinks throughout the day. Drink one glass of water upon waking, and add lemon if you want extra detoxifying properties. This will help to flush your system and get everything in working order for the day ahead.

Read 10 Pages of a Book

Did you know that reading 10 pages of a book in the morning  could mean you complete an extra 12 books a year?! That’s a huge amount of books. Whether you like to read fiction or nonfiction, you’ll be getting through your reading list at lightning speed. You could even start the day by reading something from one of your favourites, which is bound to put you in a good mood.

Take a Cold Shower

Why not hop in a cold shower for a few minutes to really perk you up? Add this to your morning routine and you’ll feel refreshed and wide awake in no time at all. The thought of it isn’t very nice, but you’ll always be glad you did it.

Get Dressed

Don’t spend the first part of the day moping around in your pyjamas until you can be bothered to get dressed. Make sure you put some clothes on as soon as you’re up and washed. The clothes we wear can have a huge effect on the way we act.

Plan the Day Ahead

Planning your day with a bit of a timetable will help you to get more done and stop you from losing hours. Plan for your breakfast, work, gym, and anything else you want to get done that day. How long will everything take you? This will give you an idea of the time you should be getting up to get everything done too.

Don’t Look at Phone or Email


Looking at your phone or email in the morning is a surefire way to slow yourself down. Emails and social media are big productivity killers, so vow not to look at them until you have most of your important stuff done. You’ll feel better!

Give 2 Genuine Compliments

Giving 2 genuine compliments or encouragements to people you know will make you feel good about yourself too. Make other’s mornings meaningful as well as your own!

Spend 5 Minutes on a Hobby

Whether you like woodworking or jewellery making, spend 5 minutes on a hobby in the morning. You’ll get more done and you’ll start the day on a good note by doing something you love.

Take Your Daily Vitamins

A really healthy part of a morning routine; taking your daily vitamins! Make a habit of having them with your breakfast to get the most benefit from them.

Go for a Walk

Get outside, even if it’s just for 5 minutes and go for a walk. Take in the fresh air, enjoy the sights and sounds. Appreciate it!

Are you ready to make your mornings more meaningful with some habits of your own? They’ll change your life!